The Wheatland Mission
Talking @ Wheatland
The Unanesthetized Depths

The Unanesthetized Depths

Psalm 14 in the series, "Pray As You Can - Not As You Can't"

Learning to pray in the dark, in the depths, means praying from our own darkness and difficulty. God hears us because of his great love and not because of anything we have done, could do, or will ever do. Christ hears us because he has been in the depths and finds us there.

Here is the final quote from the sermon.

Against all of this the Psalms issue a mighty protest and invite us into a more honest facing of the darkness. The reason the darkness may be faced and lived in is that even in the darkness, there is One to address. The One to address is in the darkness but is not simply a part of the darkness (John 1:1-5). Because this One has promised to be in the darkness with us, we find the darkness strangely transformed, not by the power of easy light but by the power of relentless solidarity. - Walter Brueggemann, The Spirituality of the Psalms

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