The Wheatland Mission
Talking @ Wheatland
Drought, Roots, and Fruit

Drought, Roots, and Fruit

Karen Bartlett preaches from Psalm 1

Karen Bartlett did a masterful job in the series, “Pray as you can, Not as you can’t” with her contribution from Psalm 1. She includes some great music too!

On that note, here’s a quick clarification from Karen regarding one of the illustrations form here message.

If you heard Karen’s sermon, she would like to clarify that the story about India and the two idols. The man made idol, Vishnu, was taken to the temple on the back of an elephant and then taken inside where the temple doors were closed to the public. Only the procession to the temple was witnessed by the crowd.

Also, you can buy Karen’s latest book, Healing Deepest Hurts at Invite Resources. Go get one!

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Talking @ Wheatland
Wheatland's Saturday Night Messages